Typodarium 2023
Focus 2023: Icons, symbols and dingbats
What we know today as writing evolved from pictographic signs in various cultures. This process, which has been going on for over a thousand years, is just now being reversed by globalization and international networks. Where language reaches its limits, pictures take the hurdles or at least bridge them.
Because with digitalization & globalization, there are hurdles in the way of communication that can at least be bridged somewhat with pictures. Hearts, smileys & many other signs we use more and more since the smartphone proved to be the bonfire of the early 21st century. So it was time for pictograms, graphs & sign-like glyphs at Typodarium. Every Sunday, Raban Ruddigkeit and Lars Harmsen present a very special set of signs, wishing you a 2023 under many beautiful signs!
Born 2009 ... still going strong
When Raban Ruddigkeit and Lars Harmsen presented the idea of the Typodarium to us 14 years ago - much too late in the calendar year, actually, to launch a daily calendar - we were immediately convinced. None of us would have thought that the calendar would establish itself worldwide as a "yearbook of the latest type design" and that it would gain such a firm place on the tables and in the hearts of creative people.
We thank you for subscribing to this treasure chest of the latest typographic trends. But our thanks go just as much to Raban and Lars, who keep their ear to the ground and surprise us - and you (!) - every year.
Typodarium 2023
A 365 Day Type Calendar
Art direction: Jonas Rose
A daily tear-off calendar with 365 fresh fonts
from 236 designers from 34 countries
384 daily sheets in 12 cheerful colors, printed on both sides
Packed in a solid collector's box with colored cover
Size 8,5 x 12 cm
EAN 42 6017281 092 0