Typodarium 2021
As trend radar & typo-inspiration, as an up-to-date-keeper & as an eye-catcher on designer tables, the TYPODARIUM has conquered its firm place & designers are eagerly awaiting the small, fine extra Raban Ruddigkeit & Lars Harmsen have donated to the cute calendar in the Schriftschatz collection box this August.
Before we tell you, we would like to say: again the TYPODARIUM shines in 12 cheerful colors & brings besides typo vitality & colorfulness into the creative everyday life. Again, it is packed in a colourful, solid collection box, in which your special lettering treasures are well protected & waiting to be used. As always, you will find the degree of expansion & the source of supply of the typefaces on the back of the daily papers.
On Sundays there is not only more variability in the appointment calendar, but also in the Typodarium: 52 variable fonts are presented by the classic among the Typo calendars. Flexible in use, they solve even the trickiest challenges in graphic design.

Editors: Lars Harmsen & Raban Ruddigkeit
Art Director: Jonas Rose
Publisher: Verlag Hermann Schmidt;
Kalender: 384 Pages in a Collectors Box
Language: Englisch
Release: 31.08.2020)