Typodarium 2025

The small differences in the design of type make a big difference in the interpretation of the written word. For over 15 years, Typodarium has been the seismograph and pacemaker of the lively type design scene worldwide. Here you can find the trends at first hand. The radical and the familiar. Spacious display fonts and frugal bread fonts. Sophisticated new interpretations and attention-grabbing divas of typography. And by the way, the Typodarium accompanies you through the year in a colourful and richly shaped way. Thanks to Art Director Julia Uplegger, who has once again given the Typodarium a surprising face!

Typodarium 2025
A 365 Day Type Calendar
Publisher: Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz
Text: English
Editors: Lars Harmsen and Raban Ruddigkeit
Design: Julia Uplegger
A daily tear-off calendar with 365 fresh fonts by 357 designers from 41 countries, 384 daily pages in 12 cheerful colours
Format: 8.5 x 12 cm
Packaged in a sturdy collector's box with a rich black, highly embossed cover
EAN: 42 6017281 096 8