Design & Politics, 13. June 2019
In the Germany-wide podium series Bauhaus 4.0: Future is made of design of the German Design Day, top creatives from various fields will discuss how digitization, automation & robotics can actively shape the structural transformation of all areas of life with the ideas of the Bauhaus;
Design & Politics in Times of Fake News - What is the New Role of Editorial Design & Visual Storytelling in Democracy? Among others with the Cologne editorial designer & professor in Münster Rüdiger Quass von Deyen, the illustrator & designer Raban Ruddigkeit, draughtsman of the political commentary in the Berlin newspaper DER TAGESSPIEGEL, one of the founders & editors of the award-winning design magazine Slanted, Professor Lars Harmsen, as well as Professor Andine Müller, who is intensively involved with narratives. The evening will be hosted by the Illustrator Organisation, and the welcome will be given by the chairwoman Franziska Walther.