Page Magazine
”We all don't know what else is coming our way. Especially the Internet has a power that can only be compared to the invention of printing," says Raban Ruddigkeit. Creative people who remain open and flexible and are reticent about forecasts and rules are best prepared for this. "That's why we don't offer anything rigid, but flexible, dynamic solutions. Things change faster and faster, you have to be prepared for that in design, especially in digital space", he explains ...
... Due to many new unpredictabilities, the focus of designers is changing and moving further and further away from the surface: "It is our mission to implement concepts that work on behalf of our customers. Aesthetics is a comparatively uninteresting side stage," says Ruddigkeit, "and beauty is not the first criterion for us designers. The real question is: Does it work? Because – Form is function!“ From the design magazine PAGE