The Next Black, Direkte Auktion 2021
In their slot »The Next Black«, Anna-Maria Wagner & Raban Ruddigkeit show works by 23 artists whose biographies are as diverse as their techniques: from painting, drawing, & lithography to typography, photography, sculpture, & media art. With its emphasis on the non-flashy, the slot title »The Next Black« provides a clear visual framework for the assembled perspectives & at the same time celebrates the emerging and progressive of good art – New is over! WWW.DIREKTEAUKTION.DE
Photos by Lilika Strezoska/Phototemple
Interview with Raban Ruddigkeit by Felix Müller for BERLINER MORGENPOST, photo by Maurizio Gambarini / FFS
Artists on display: Hans Aichinger, Daniel Arab Tomaso Baldessarini, Christopher Bauder, Ben de Biel, Birte Bosse, Yvon Chabrowski, Ivonne Dippmann, Andrej Golder, Lars Harmsen, Moshtari Hilal, Boris Hoppek, Anna Kolod, Eike König, Mario Lombardo, Anna Nezhnaya, Esther Perbandt, Tula Plumi, ME Raabenstein, Nadine Schemmann, Chris Tille & Ralf Ziervogel.