In 2016 three outstanding international dance events find place in the unique constellation of one year. The Dance Congress (Hannover) is a lighthouse project of the federal cultural foundation, the German Dance Platform (Frankfurt) is the most important showcase of the contemporary dance scene & the Internationale Tanzmesse (Düsseldorf) is the marketplace for networking & communication, they found an umbrella under the name Tanzjahr 2016 (Danceyear).
That’s why we build an Design-Code of three elements, while dancing together to build typography, icons, many languages and designs forms. The project will start at the end of this year with the first designer’s collaborations. Over the year, we will discover, how many energy lies in this simple but recognizable concept.

Based on our Code-Design for the Tanzjahr 2016 sixteen international designers accepting our invitation to create a poster with only 3 forms & 2 colors. From top left to button right we say Thank you very much to Alexander Branczyk (Homepage), Andrea Tinnes, Alexander Egger, Niklaus Troxler, Daniel Arab, Lars Harmsen, Anıl Aykan Barnbrook, Timothy Helmer, Ariane Spanier, Mario Lombardo, Vito Bica, Bärbel Bold, Lea Brousse, Lev Chestakov, Li Xu & Fons Hickmann. See the exhibition!